honig from cnn…how about STFU. Your opinion does not matter on anything here. You have no say on it so get the hell out of the way and shut the hell up. You know what they say about opinions, they are like assholes….everyone has one. Reply
regardless of where the plane was … A judge can NOT tell a president what to do!
A Judge not wanting illegal criminals out of Countey ?! Follow the Money .
Who is the leaker?
Democrats are literally fighting to keep murderous gangs of illegal allies in our country.
” may NOT have ” ??.screw you CNN …. He did NOT period.
honig from cnn…how about STFU. Your opinion does not matter on anything here. You have no say on it so get the hell out of the way and shut the hell up. You know what they say about opinions, they are like assholes….everyone has one.