(Commenting on)  WATCH: Cartoon from years ago accurately predicts trans incident at Olympic box match



  1. What is sad to me is the women fighter made a statement and did not condem men in her sport.
    She might feel like she isn’t able to freely at this time. The athletes don’t make it to the Olympics because they just wanted to go. They have to devote themselves to their sport and practice beyond anyone else. Yet the women’s boxing was rigged. Why are we allowing men to compete against women?
    Think about this most all womens sports are adjusted from what the men do. Shorter courts, shorter times, shorter post. Different rules for the exact same sport. Why? Because men have different physical abilities! Now we are allowing the same men who have those abilities to compete with a huge advantage.
    Mental issues shouldn’t change the rules.
    I don’t see someone identifying as a dog do the Westminster dog show!

    • It’s allowed because nobody is saying anything or doing anything. Including me. I am at work. Too busy to do anything and don’t want to lose my job. We are all stuck in our lives. No courage to stick together and speak out.

  2. Womens sports are adapted to them. Shorter innings, lighter equipment, different time quarters, smaller fields. Different rules for the same sport the men do for a reason. Mental issues shouldn’t qualify you.
    Are we going to see a person who identifies as a dog competing at the Westminster dog show

  3. Tel-a vision has been putting it in our face’s for many years now, in movies and cartoons etc….we were just too brainwashed, living in our own little bubble,
    trusting in our government, to realize what was happening! You can start with the movie called the Matrix! Go back and watch it. We are living in the Matrix. Learn how to break out of it and quit believing in the things they’ve been telling us!!

  4. How about a confused trans box another confused trans. Call it a trans dude Olympic boxing medal rounds..

  5. Outrageous. I would sue the bastard. He is still a male, doesn’t matter what he identifies as or parades around as. Until women refuse to compete when there is a trans involved, it will continue to go on. Let these trans freaks compete against another trans freak. If there isn’t one, too bad. Get the hell out of the sporting event. No different than lia thomas, the fake swimmer with a dick who thinks he is a female. These idiots are nothing more than freaks.

  6. And by the way, the freak khelif DID NOT WIN. He should be forced to relinquish the acknowledgement of a win. It’s outrageous to even raise his hand for recognition. The world knows his ass did not compete fairly. DNA can never be changed. FU khelif. If enough people speak out to the Olympics, maybe they will do something about it. Trans must have their own competitions.

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