(Commenting on)  WATCH: Biden tells bold-faced LIE about border numbers



  1. Which goes to show that Biden has been lied to about border crossings and poll statistics. Wonder what else his handlers have lied to him about? Does anyone really believe that his staff would be telling a senile old man he’s doing a horrible job?

    • I absolutely believe his handlers and family have told Biden he is doing the best job ever and he is so gaurded from any media he doesn’t know the truth. Also why the media questions were always vetted. They couldn’t ask him about the dumpster fire of his administration.
      If the truth ever came out about what was done during the Biden administration to keep him hidden and uninformed is criminal

    • The LIAR IN THIEF. He’s a thief too. Hope the door doesn’t hit him in the ass. It may damage the door and the senile old bastard will be laying flat on his face.


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