(Commenting on)  WATCH: Biden and Harris both tout hope that Trump is jailed, while accusing him of wanting to jail political opponents



  1. The HYPOCRACY of both Sleepy Joe and 🐫la talking about Our President TRUMP weapon icing the “Justice” Dept to go after his political rivals is laughable. Over the past 2 DemoncRATic administration, everytime they say tha DJT is going to do something despicable THEY are already doing it to him or other Republicans.

  2. I cannot wait for jail to come true for Biden and Harris. They are the ones who have weaponized the three letter agencies, they are the ones running this country into the ground. I would like to see full military sentences for each, for treason if you know what I mean.

  3. If there were any justice in this world this current administration would be tried for treason!
    Trump is going to Trump… that’s who he is but has to be accused and charged for absolutely every single thing they dream up yet they get away with unimaginable behavior!!

  4. I can’t wait to see the entire biden administration behind bars for treason awaiting the next step. All of them, including the “C” sucking kunt kamala. She is rancid to look at and she only got where she is laying on her back. I despise the bimbo. Take the biden family of grifters, money launderers, and tax evaders hunter and sister ashley and put them in jail for not paying their taxes.

  5. I think they are looking at their reflection in the mirrors.
    Who belongs in jail?! Get that clucking c*ntmala out of office and take commie Joe with her.

    Trump kept this country going and will do the same again. Look around you people. All brain dead 💀 they love Halloween because it’s their evil day to hide behind masks.


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