(Commenting on)  WATCH: Bernie Sanders blasted for hosting trans musician who sang ‘pure evil’ song at anti-Trump rally



  1. Cracks me up these democrats bitching about breaks for billionaires get the millionaires get them too I would imagine and they all have become millionaires since in office. Funny how that works

  2. Surely old socialist Bernie knows he is one of the Billionaires he’s talking about. What a moron. Hell is waiting for you Bernie.

  3. The democrat party has become a party of the mentally challenged retards.. and if you take these people serious go book a psychiatric evaluation. That mental case dancing says it all it’s a party of freaks and nut cases and that’s a fact.

  4. What I’m finding hilarious is through doge efforts we are seeing money laundering let guess where it ends up. I’m millionaires hands?! Yet the Dems love trying to drive a wedge between Americans..
    As for Bernies rallies it just shows how disgusting the Dems are

  5. bernie, stfu you evil ugly communist. If you like communism so much, go back to russia and stay there. You are nothing more than a brain-dead meat suit just like joe biden.

  6. One needs to understand that Billionaire Bernie is a SOCIALIST who doesn’t believe in GOD! But I also realize that the DemoncRATic party lets BB vote with them so they OWN his anti-Christian rhetoric. Which makes both disgusting 🤬🤬🤬

  7. bernie even looks like a deranged psycho mental case. Hey bernie, wasn’t your crony liz warren funneling money to kamala’s campaign thru actblue – a george soros dummy company. Assholes like you bernie make Americans proud…..PROUD WE VOTED FOR TRUMP.

  8. How sick has the dumbcrap party become ! Sanders like most of the career politicians are millionaires , saying billionaire doesn’t leave him out !! This bunch of sick perverted sicko , have lied , stoled tax payer money , paid off wrong doing with our money , paid family money for doing nothing , inside stock trading , terriost Christian parents , promoted killing babies and celebrated mutilating children !! Now more lies rapping sick songs and dancing what in the world our these grown so called adults think that the people of America are stupid !!

  9. These liberals have sold their souls to Satan! Make no mistake the this is good against evil! We must hold close to the Lord as it’s going to get worse before it gets better I believe the Lord will come back soon! That song Bernie had at his sick lying rally was the most sickening song I’ve ever heard! Surprised lightening didn’t strike him! Yes he is a she now or thinks he is! We know better!

  10. Sanders makes it very plain who he serves. Satan! Enjoy the fraudulent rewards you have acquired here on earth Sanders, because that is the only reward you’re going to see in the end. All given to you by those looking to enslave humanity with one global government. And they have your backing. You’re nothing but a puppet.


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