(Commenting on)  #WalkAway: Nearly 55,000 registered Dems in swing state changed their party affiliation, data shows



  1. I had the honor and pleasure of meeting and spending a day with Scott Presler. He does not get enough credit for the job he has been doing for the better part of a decade. He was cleaning up cities and registering people to vote when I met him in 2018. I volunteered to help him that day and came away from it knowing that Scott was going to change this country for the better. He’s an extraordinary man, and truly loves our country.

    • joanne….thank you for that updated information on Scott Presler. That is terrific news. I would never have known that unless I read it here. I only hope that the 55,000 voters who changed parties did it because they wanted to vote for President Trump and showed that by changing their voter registration. I hope is was not with ill intentions to make the numbers look good to discourage Trump supporters to become complacent not vote. We voted the first day of early voting. We used to have machines but have now changed over to paper ballots.

  2. If the election is fair then Trump will win. My fear and those as many other Americans is the cheat is already being shown in other states..


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