(Commenting on)  VOTING ANARCHY: Liberal ruling could allow 800K noncitizens to vote in blue city’s elections



  1. Non citizens do not have the right to vote in any elections. Of course, it is in the armpit of the earth, new york. democraps will push this since they lost this election.

    • BaeBae you are correct. The US Constitution state ONLY US citizens can LEGALLY vote.
      LEGAL immigrants on the path to US citizenship must wait until they are finally citizens before they can cast their first vote.

  2. I know at some point Trump will start the process of making out elections fair however it can’t come soon enough

  3. They should not vote because they’re not US citizens and besides they send all their money back home and not spend it in the US so that puts a burden on our economy

  4. Non-citizens can’t vote in any election in the United States! Only United States citizens or natulized citizens!

    What they’re doing in New York is illegal and abuse of power!

  5. ONLY CITIZENS should be able to vote. If your are NOT a citizen, feel free to move to another country or back to your own. Period.

  6. This is all about a way to cheat in federal elections. The communist democrats think we are stupid and blind, we are not. These people need to be incarcerated.

  7. Isn’t this against we the people constitution? If so, what good is it if these commies do as they please. WTF 🤬 people? Enough of this bull💩. Are you commie cult devil DEMONcrates really this stupid.

  8. Its citizens have the right to VOTE!!! No one else has the right to vote in US elections! Become a US citizen, then you can vote!

  9. Get these freeloading parasites and cockroaches out of our country. Our resources are already stretched to the limit. There should be no voting of any kind by any of them. As I understand, some states allow voting in their local elections. That leads to democrats being elected. That’s the only way they can win.

    • But some communist pigs will leak where ICE is planning to be. No one should know that. ICE’s missions need to be top secret. Wonder who the pig leaker was in Colorado.

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