(Commenting on)  VIRTUAL APPROVED: Critical election state approves virtual student IDs for voting



  1. I live in NC and this is bs. Talk about election interference. They will let students say they are who they are and vote maybe multiple times. Why are dems so afraid of true fair and honest elections. I guess because they would completely lose power. This is disgusting and that judge should be removed from his court and never be allowed to preside again.

  2. Sad but just another way to give democrats unfair advantages! The fix is in! There need to be a fixed voting process for ALL state & eliminate states that refuse to follow it process set by justices! Or state that follow correct procedures established years ago need to succeed from union your voice don’t count!

  3. With all the technology we have you would think there would be someway to cross check the voting. We can go to the moon but can’t seem to match votes with legal people !

      • Hollywood can work wonders with makeup, and scene building making it look real. Just how were the crews able to communicate with earth from 238,000 miles away. I call bullshit. Years later, I was never convinced that the moon landing actually happened and it was staged by hollywood just to make the US appear to have beaten russia to the moon. Technology could not have been that clear or that good. POS george clooney and sandra bullock wore moon suits in the movie Gravity. And it supposedly looked like the moon surface. How about a swiss cheese sandwich. Mission Control, is this the moon…..is this the party to whom I’m speaking?

  4. College students have been voting in the state they attend college, as well as, their home state for a good while now. It should be illegal…..but, of course it’s not. They, plus Northern Virginia voters are what has turned Virginia blue.

  5. Just more bullshit from the Dem party… NC is a crucial state for Trump to win … I am totally disgusted that this kind of election interference is allowed… Reps need to do something to offset this…

  6. The right to vote rests on a person being a citizen with I’d to that fact. Students should ask for an absentee ballot from their town where they’re side when not in school. Period, end of discussion.

  7. Idiots!
    Can these IDs be used for any other proof for say a drivers license, welfare, or anything else the government wants an ID for? If no then this is a no brainier. There is only one party who doesn’t want fair elections.


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