(Commenting on)  VIDEOS: Pro-Hamas protesters burn flag outside DNC, crash Harris rally, in multi-location uprisings



  1. The hamas protestors need a few faces bashed right now hiding behind those ugly checkerd rags on their heads. They don’t call them ragheads for nothing. Why let them do this. I only wish someone would throw an ugly palestinian flag in the street and light it then stomp on it. They had to get permission for these protests and it was supposed to be peaceful. But now they are attacking police and trying to break thru the line.

  2. Instead of fighting them hand to hand they need to get the water cannons out and let ’em rip!!!!! They should surround the water cannons with police that have rubber bullets in their guns and shoot anyone that tries to take over the water cannon and let the crowd have it!!!

  3. These goons don’t even have a clue what they are protesting. They sure don’t want anyone to recognize them though. Covered with masks, rags, helmets, goggles etc. Bunch of freaking loser criminal cowards!!

  4. BUT…the Democrats defund and want to dismantle the Police…they should get no help!😳 Get to experience their own policies! I bet they had to deal with this crowd the would be peeing and sh#&$@%ting their pants!

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