Trump should send ti Gitmo anyone that burned our flag! For those with the demonstrations and bad signs send them to Mexico, if they love their country so much why stayed here. Go back to their country!🤬🤮
The scumbag media continues to push the narrative of “immigrants”. These are jot immigrants; they are illegal aliens….foreign nationals who snuck into our nation illegally and not following proper vetting procedures. They have no right to be here, work here or live here.
These illegal immigrants have shown they truly are a belligerent invading force. Arrest as many as possible and deport them. Trump realistically has two years to do this before the midterm elections puts the senste back into the hands of the democrats.
If these Mexican maggots want to be American so bad, why would they burn the American flag and wave theirs??? Get the hell out and come here the right way!
Deport all of them! If they are burning my flag and are damage our property they don’t deserved to be here! Is time for immigrantion to deport these people the sooner the better
Those protesters especially the ones that fly foreign flags and burn the American flag should be arrested in charged with treason! They don’t deserve to be in this country especially if they’re an American citizen!!
Trump is doing exactly what we elected him to do. Ty president Trump. Hey ice!!! They are gathering themselves up take in National Guard gather them up burn those Mexican flags. Make Gitmo the staging area for deportation
This just shows we have let to many in. If you don’t want to support America and wave the American flag go home. Why would we want you here supporting a country that let you down.
Make no mistake the left is behind this… think Soros and friends. The fact that people are protesting illegal violent criminals doesn’t make any sense. The fact that it is so coordinated is also suspect and didn’t Jakeem Jeffries say this was going to happen. Shouldn’t he be arrested for inciting violence?!
LOVE this guy!! Why can’t they ALL be like him?!
There is a difference of coming to America and getting a job versus coming to America and taxpayers having to pay your way!!!!
Understand our immigration system was not supposed to be used for people to come here and work and send the money back to their country.
Anyone waving the Mexican flags can go too (if they are here legally). Deport all of them. Illegal is still illegal.
Trump should send ti Gitmo anyone that burned our flag! For those with the demonstrations and bad signs send them to Mexico, if they love their country so much why stayed here. Go back to their country!🤬🤮
The scumbag media continues to push the narrative of “immigrants”. These are jot immigrants; they are illegal aliens….foreign nationals who snuck into our nation illegally and not following proper vetting procedures. They have no right to be here, work here or live here.
These illegal immigrants have shown they truly are a belligerent invading force. Arrest as many as possible and deport them. Trump realistically has two years to do this before the midterm elections puts the senste back into the hands of the democrats.
If these Mexican maggots want to be American so bad, why would they burn the American flag and wave theirs??? Get the hell out and come here the right way!
Go back to your own country and enter ours LEGALLY. You have NO RIGHT to protest when you’re not a citizen or here legally.
Deport all of them! If they are burning my flag and are damage our property they don’t deserved to be here! Is time for immigrantion to deport these people the sooner the better
Those protesters especially the ones that fly foreign flags and burn the American flag should be arrested in charged with treason! They don’t deserve to be in this country especially if they’re an American citizen!!
Take your Mexican flags,stick them where the sun don’t shine and get the hell out of my country
Trump is doing exactly what we elected him to do. Ty president Trump. Hey ice!!! They are gathering themselves up take in National Guard gather them up burn those Mexican flags. Make Gitmo the staging area for deportation
This just shows we have let to many in. If you don’t want to support America and wave the American flag go home. Why would we want you here supporting a country that let you down.
Make no mistake the left is behind this… think Soros and friends. The fact that people are protesting illegal violent criminals doesn’t make any sense. The fact that it is so coordinated is also suspect and didn’t Jakeem Jeffries say this was going to happen. Shouldn’t he be arrested for inciting violence?!
Break out the water
Cannons and drive them the 15 miles to the border.