(Commenting on)  VIDEOS: Biden guided around like a child by the Angolan president, makes bizarre comments, appears to fall asleep, on Africa trip



  1. What a pitiful abhorrent excuse for a leader. He doesn’t even know where the hell to step or stand. Nice going joe, you useless turd. $1 Billion for Angola, -0- for Americans who lost everything they owned during Hurricane Helene. Billions for illegal fucking freeloading cockroaches, -0- for Americans who lost everything they own during Hurricane Helene. Billions for illegal fucking freeloading cockroaches, -0- for homeless Americans who own nothing but the clothing on their backs and barely have any food. joe, you deserve to be homeless and in jail for treason.

  2. Joe Biden has been an embarrassment since he stole the election. And I would have thought looking at Jill in the picture, she could have at least brushed her hair.

  3. Please just go away , He is such an Embarrassment to our country please go away. Trump can’t start soon enough.

  4. Did they slow the video of Biden sleeping because it seemed a lot longer the. A min. I do the same exact things when I know I’m falling asleep and can’t stop it. I look as if I’m holding my eyes closed. If you watch longer you can see Bidens head actually nods forward. He was asleep!!!
    Look he is older yes. However there are people his age and older that have better physical energy. What pisses me off it that out media and our government officials allowed this to go on. The Republicans knew as well. They also allowed this to continue. Out country is in danger and the so called 81 million who voted for Biden didn’t vote for his advisors to be the leader of the country. I’m sick of hearing pundits acting like the administration and leftist media hid this. No the hell they didn’t. We all saw it we all said it we all knew it when Biden ran a campaign from his basement in 2020. We got exactly what we have allowed. Sleepy Joe Biden

  5. Since this man is unfit to go to trial then how can he be pardoning his son and running the country and making new laws that makes Trump’s job harder?
    Isn’t there anything that we can do to get him out of office early?

  6. Sleepy Joe listening with one eye half open and one entirely shut the guy speaks while the other guy writes down everything so Joe can’t say I told you so later on one billion promises

  7. BiDUNG is such a disgusting, vile, filthy, dirty democRAT who almost destroyed our country. His legacy will be a LIAR AND THIEF. He has tainted our wonderful White House. I pray he burns in Hell for the misery he and his family put President Trump, AND the American people, through. Good riddance POS.

  8. A billion effing dollars while we have homeless veterans sleeping on our streets. I help feed them every day! I can’t stand this SOB destroying our people and our country. Our military are on food stamps to make ends meet and this a$$hole gives a billion dollars to Angola. Go take a nap Joke BiDUNG…a really really really L O N G nap! Disgusting POS. Yeah I’m pissed. Daily I’m volunteering at the local Veterans Administration listening to our veterans who are suffering.

    Karma is a bitch Joke BiDUNG.

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