(Commenting on)  VIDEO: ‘You’ve Got Blood On Your Hands’: Josh Hawley Fires Back At Protesters Who Swarmed Him After Hearing



  1. The demotrash brought a cursed race with devilish ideology to fight Christian’s, the brought a cursed race the kills Christian and Jews for 1500 years, the brought the devil ALLAH to fight Christianity and Judaism I HOPE ALL WHO VOTE FOR DEMOTRASH ROTT IN HELL for they are destroying there own country with there own hand

  2. Go Josh Hawley. I would have loved to kick box those ugly ragheads in the face. Trust me, I’m capable. s. Get the hell out of my America, you terrorist pigs. Take your stinking allah parasite deity who you worship with you. We don’t believe your ideology. We will never bow to a parasite.

  3. Hawley is Effective for America, That’s why they are going after him. I like watching him go after the left in those Senate Hearings. Common sense Guy. Go Hawley. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 .

  4. If they care so much for Palestine why are they here in the US. Go fight for your country. All of them are paid by Soros, China, Obama or someone with lots of money. Makes me sick!

  5. What the hell are these people doing in the Capital in the first place? With access to members of Congress, why aren’t they arrested like the J6 peaceful people?


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