(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Woman randomly knocks on a stranger’s door to complain about Trump sign



  1. She’s eaten to many of the rainbow fruit loops! The homeowner did the right thing…shows who’s the sane one is. The melt downs are going to be quite sad when the BIG truth’s come to light. We’ll need more mental health professionals.

  2. Why am I voting for Trump? My response would be, “ His policies, I was better off when Trump was president than now, weren’t you?

  3. Demented. I would never dream of confronting someone with an Harris/walz sign. Oh she says trump is so immoral. I’ll bet when Clinton was in the Oval Office with Monica she said that was just between consenting adults
    That was ok. I don’t care what trump said or did personally, my concern is getting this country back on the right track

  4. Call police or stop at the Police station to physically file a report. . You already have her picture ID on your ring doorbell. If that can be saved for proof, file a police report. They may go and talk to the bitch. Also tell her she is traspassing on private property and put up a sign to that effect in your front yard.

  5. Oh I’ve lived this! I run a small personal care business in my home. I myself have no political signs on my property but several people on my street fly Trump flags. A client came in several months ago all upset that there were Trump flags in my neighborhood! She asked if I could do something about it such as complain at town hall. I informed her that I had no control over what others display on their property. She decided not to come back to see me as driving by those flags was too upsetting!!! These mentally ill nut jobs walk and work among us.

    • Wow, sounded like a dumb liberal. Did she ever think she could have taken another route. What a moron. As DML always says, liberals don’t have normal brains or brain waves. After they die, their brains should be autopsied to seek additional information on brain matter. There probably won’t be anything to study.

  6. Indoctrinated and or ignorant… You’d think an older woman would know better… So many unhinged people on the left… I really don’t know what to expect from these nut jobs if Trump wins… I’m guessing mass riots coupled with major violence in the major cities…


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