(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Who was Trump gunman talking to online that he took extreme measures to hide?



  1. I believe it was a combo of DEEP STATE CIA, FBI and USSS guided on behalf of O’BaDin administration.

    • Right on point Claude. biden is allegedly behind it and may have given the order. Strange that the first skank jill has been so very quiet lately while joe has chocolate chip ice cream every day. 81 million votes my ass. The corrupt bastard and his family have been corrupt for years.

  2. If they can’t break the code just get a high school whiz kid in there. They will be in the program in about thirty minutes. But I personally think they are blowing smoke. Probably know everything that he looked at just don’t want us to know it.

  3. Why is Lindsey Graham of all people attempting to plant the seed that this kid was working with the Iranians and not Deep State actors? Pretty telling who he is covering for.

  4. Unbelievable that they can’t get into his phone. I think there’s some way. And who set that up for him?? And we need independent investigators not the culprits investigating themselves.

  5. Hopefully there isn’t another assassination plot in the works on Trump. Seems they are setting it up to blame Iran. Iran just stated they will take revenge for today’s assassination of the Supreme Leader, Haniyeh. Trump’s security better be tight! It sure seems that Our government cannot be trusted.

  6. I believe CIA is on the other end of his phone. They controlled his thoughts or at least swayed his thoughts and demented his reality. We will never know the real truth

  7. BULLSHIT merrick garland. This was an inside job, you maggot. That is why no one has any answers. Cheatle was just the beginning. A good computer expert could get that information out of his computer……it’s deep in the bowels, but can be retrieved. Who are you assholes kidding? This 20-year-old turd could not have been that smart. Afterall, he did get his brains blown out, didn’t he?

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