Wouldn’t it be great if we could deport the LibTard DemoncRATs in Congress who do not understand that VISA holders who violate the rules by showing support for a terrorist group CAN be DEPORTED? YES it would!!!
Another democrat beotch who sides with terrorists. Censure lee and drag her out by her ankles. She is promoting a terrorist and that makes her guilty of treason. We don’t promote terrorists in the US, unless you are a despicable democrat. You really are a dumb beotch. She better study the law about terrorism. Obviously she doesn’t know the law. I don’t give one rat that khalil’s wife is pregnant. That is just too bad. Just carrying a bun in the oven to make him/her another little terrorist.
Our sons and daughters have so graciously fought wars gave their lives for your freedom
And you have the nerve to chant death to anyone in the USA 🇺🇸 NO YOU DON’T HAVE THAT RIGHT
We don’t want death and hate in the free world so return to sender go now back to your freedom
It seems to me that anyone who would support this crud ball and his actions in the United States of America, are not truly for America or constitutional republic believing Americans at all. Wouldn’t it be great to get rid of them too. If you support terrorism, you’re not American, and you don’t belong in this country, because you truly do not stand for our values, or for the will of God.
Apperantly these Congressmen forget how green cards actually work…
This terrorist because that is what he is. He is calling for the death of Americans ( Jews) sowing fear in college campus and siding with a known terrorist group. He is a green card holder not a citizen. Big difference. My daughter in-law who is here in a green card knows that if she broke our laws she could be removed.
Did he break out laws? Yes he unsighted violence.
I do not care his wife is pregnant she can go with him if she wants…
Our Congress is not standing up to terrorists they have all forgotten 9/11. This should not even be a debate. This needs to be a warning!!!!
Wouldn’t it be great if we could deport the LibTard DemoncRATs in Congress who do not understand that VISA holders who violate the rules by showing support for a terrorist group CAN be DEPORTED? YES it would!!!
Another democrat beotch who sides with terrorists. Censure lee and drag her out by her ankles. She is promoting a terrorist and that makes her guilty of treason. We don’t promote terrorists in the US, unless you are a despicable democrat. You really are a dumb beotch. She better study the law about terrorism. Obviously she doesn’t know the law. I don’t give one rat that khalil’s wife is pregnant. That is just too bad. Just carrying a bun in the oven to make him/her another little terrorist.
Nope. You should send him and his pregnant wife back to his country of origin. Permanently.
Our sons and daughters have so graciously fought wars gave their lives for your freedom
And you have the nerve to chant death to anyone in the USA 🇺🇸 NO YOU DON’T HAVE THAT RIGHT
We don’t want death and hate in the free world so return to sender go now back to your freedom
I shudder every time Schumer opens his pie hole. I’d love to see him in an orange jumpsuit parading around the inner confines of Gitmo.
It seems to me that anyone who would support this crud ball and his actions in the United States of America, are not truly for America or constitutional republic believing Americans at all. Wouldn’t it be great to get rid of them too. If you support terrorism, you’re not American, and you don’t belong in this country, because you truly do not stand for our values, or for the will of God.
Apperantly these Congressmen forget how green cards actually work…
This terrorist because that is what he is. He is calling for the death of Americans ( Jews) sowing fear in college campus and siding with a known terrorist group. He is a green card holder not a citizen. Big difference. My daughter in-law who is here in a green card knows that if she broke our laws she could be removed.
Did he break out laws? Yes he unsighted violence.
I do not care his wife is pregnant she can go with him if she wants…
Our Congress is not standing up to terrorists they have all forgotten 9/11. This should not even be a debate. This needs to be a warning!!!!