(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Watch Jen Psaki’s Face As Dem Strategist Blows Fuse Over Biden’s Mental Fitness



  1. O’Stupid is NOT fit to President right now. If not for election shenanigans in 2020, he wouldn’t be occupying the WH now and committing TREASON every single day!!!

    • ABSOLUTELY Right!!!! We all know Mr. Biden was not legally elected and that he was placed by criminal activities. Much evidence is there just judged and others refused to acknowledge it , don’t know if they were threatened or bought but sure one or the other. American voters did NOT vote Biden into office

  2. Finally people are pointing out the obvious! Joe shouldn’t be president right now. The media and Dems want him to drop out so the American people can be blinded about who will replace him and he is out of the spot light..
    Honestly for Kamalas sake , Biden should be removed let her have a few accomplishments before the election. I also think who she picks as a vice president will be very telling.

  3. He should’ve never been president the first time, he was installed fraudulently by one of the most corrupt elections of all time if not THE most corrupt. He was unfit then, and he’s super unfit now. What part of that don’t you people get?

    • Marine, thank you for your service!
      We on this forum get it. The sheeple listening to MSM, mainly LibTard DemoncRats, believe what they are hearing….which is a sad commentary on our education system.

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