(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Violent migrant gang spills out of sanctuary city, wreaking havoc on suburbs



  1. The cities invite the illegals in and then push them to the suburbs when the begin to cause trouble. Anyone with a brain know that will happen. We have to get Trump and allies in the government to stop the flow and the criminals when they get here.

  2. Call in the National guard with “shoot to kill” orders!

    I’d hate to see it but that may be what if takes

  3. Seriously? Isn’t this America? So you just sit on your sorry asses and do nothing? Where’s the corrupt politicians? No law enforcement?

  4. Hopefully Denver will wise up and stop voting for Democrats idiotic policy’s . If they don’t wise up the smart people will leave then it will be entertaining to see how they will get the gangs to pay the taxes so they can continue to run their sanctuary city.

  5. As an American citizen. Lock and load. That’s why we have the 2nd amendment.
    It’s time to know your neighbors and have a plan. Biden and especially that bitch Harris is responsible for this nightmare.

  6. I live in Colorado and reports of these gangs patrolling these apartment complexes with guns. Well that automatically should be an arrest and instant deportation or shot and killed if gun is raised.

  7. Let’s see how this tree-hugging woke BLUE STATE likes the reality of letting in so many unvetted illegals. This may be the only way to get voters to open their eyes.

    But who knows. The Deep State is firmly entrenched everywhere the Democrats are running things.

  8. And they ask, why do you need a weapon with 30 rounds? Soon the vigilantes will come out and take care of this problem because they wont.

  9. This is what happens when you elect democrats to run your cities and towns! I blame the people who voted them into office!! Now you must suffer the consequences of your stupid vote!!
    Suffer cause you brought this on yourself!! I stopped voting for democrats 50 years ago! They are a socialist party now and full of evil people!! Obama started this with his we must fundamentally change America and nobody asked him what the hell did he mean by that!! Now look at this country!! Now your seeing exactly what he meant and Kamala Harris will make it even worst!!
    Wake up America the clock is ticking and we’re running out of time!

  10. It’s time for local’s in this area to grow balls and take the initiative and eliminate the threat by whatever means!!!

  11. I live in a very conservative stronghold of Colorado thank God. POS Polis are wonderful governor (NOT) attempted to get apartment complexes built here and our conservative politicians said no way. and in my town, they won’t take any shit from these Venezuelans. They were already arrested 12 of them for car theft, and theft .
    However in sanctuary Denver and Aurora. They’re getting their asses handed to them by these gangs and it’s only gonna get worse because our governor and mayor won’t do anything about it ,which is going to start a war In Denver. unfortunately people have to suffer in order to change their vote to Red ..It’s unbelievable

  12. Coming to a neighborhood near you…..or your neighborhood. We are watching America become a third world country right before our very eyes!

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