(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Trump’s former Cabinet secretary issues blunt warning about Harris’ VP pick Walz



  1. As a retired 42 year educator, the Harris/Walz scares the bejeesus out of me. Under their “leadership” public education will turn into total indoctrination into a SOCIALIST SOCIETY! WE must defeat this menace in November!!!
    🇺🇲 TRUMP/Vance TSUNAMI 2024 🇺🇲

  2. Wonder if he ever taught History during the Rampage against Jews ! Sounds to me he and Harris are heading in that Direction! I hope folks are not that Stupid to vote these two for President and Vice President for the next Four years! God help us if they are in the White House! Might as well kiss your Arsse goodbye and our grandchildren! Just look what Biden and Harris did in three and a half years

  3. I’m sorry but we have to start BY STOPPING BEING SCARED ??? These 2 COMMUNIST MISFITS are about as scary as a newborn Jackass ? You can see the complete FRAUDS they are, their disgraceful RECORDS speak for themselves with extremist HARM they have generated?

  4. Wait a minute randy weingarten, you forgot to mention that as a Vet, walz abandoned his troops when he was notified he was about to be deployed to Iraq. This man turned out to be a chicken shit deserter, as he made an excuse that he would be running for Congress which was NOT true. He resigned from the National Guard as an E9, and he should have resigned as an E8. Appears his paperwork was not filled out correctly. Error, or lie…it would change his pay grade. In this case, I am not thanking him for his service. I also do not support the bill he signed into law forbidding parents intervention on their own children about sex changes and puberty blockers. They are not your kids or his kids, they are the children of their parents until age 18 when they become an adult. As long as that child lives in their house, they abide by their parents rules, not yours or child protective service’s rules. Their parents have every right to know everything they are doing. You see randy weingarten, the parents pay their bills. I highly doubt an 18 year-old could live on his/her own with enough money for a car, apartment, rent, food and utilities. Furthermore, most 18 year-olds don’t know what the hell color socks to pick for the day.

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