(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Trump suggests who may have been involved in both assassination attempts, calls on FBI to hack suspects’ phones



  1. I’d check out the Acting Director of the USSS. Seems to me that he knows a lot more than he’s willing to tell anyone. It wouldn’t surprise me if he has/had a hand in it.
    🇺🇸 TRUMP/Vance TSUNAMI 2024 🇺🇸

  2. Is Iran code for CIA and FBI? Asking for several friends. Trump is right again the FBI or DOJ had no problem getting Apple to open apps on the J6 protestors phones so these attempted assassins should take precedent over that hands down. Open them up and reveal the info to Trump and unfortunately the alphabet agencies too.

  3. Perhaps if the government used the same resources that they use to hack parents who protested at school board meetings, they’d have more success.

  4. They’re not fooling anyone. The FBI and DOJ are directly involved in both assassination attempts.
    Thomas Crooks phone even pinged multiple times from inside the FBI office before the first known attempt.


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