(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Trump suggests permanent resettlement of Palestinians from Gaza



  1. I like that Trump throws out ideas. He is always thinking. I’m sure the left is in an uproar over this suggestion. It doesn’t mean it’s going to happen. People need to relax. I don’t see anyone else coming up with solutions. It’s going to take awhile to fix the Gaza Strip. It’s all in the negotiations.

  2. I hope that he doesn’t suggest that they all come to the U.S.!! Muslim countries with similar cultures and language in the Middle East would be where they should go.

    And why would our tax dollars go to rebuilding Gaza?!?

  3. Finally an actual plan to change Gaza for the better. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over

  4. I do wish Trump would have not brought up the Gaza Strip with reporters. That’s all. Some things are better left in private talks.

  5. Good luck with that! Does anyone believe that the Hamas ruled maggots will peacefully leave Gaza and give it up?? They will not rest until they get their way “from river to sea……” I love Trump, but I think he’s pushing a little too far with this move. Hope I’m wrong!

  6. It seems to me that the regular citizens of the Gaza Strip should clean up the area and be responsible for rebuilding it. The Hamas terrorists need to be deported, eliminated, destroyed. I think it is presumptuous for our country to be talking
    about sending people who have lived their lives there to other countries and to be planning to take their land and redevelop it. It is a bridge too far and is really overstepping our role in the Middle East. I voted for Trump but this talk is worrisome on several levels, as is Trumps talk of sending “bad” U.S. criminals to another country to be incarcerated. If one US citizen is deported to another country for any reason other than outright treason then that is a violation of their constitutional rights and it could very easily have a domino effect, which no US citizen should ever have to worry about.

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