(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Transgender ‘Yacht Killer’ inmate gets taxpayer-funded sex-change surgery thanks to Kamala Harris [Flashback Video]



  1. Absolutely and completely disgusting. Should have just cut it off and left him a eunuch.
    Better yet tie him to an anchor and throw him in the briney deep

  2. He murders two people now gets a sex change at taxpayer’s expense all because kam-allah the kam-u-nist, kommunist, kon-artist, kackling kunt helped him do it. This is outrageous. Too bad the doctor didn’t have an OOPS with no anesthesia and no bandages. So which prison will he/she stay in. The male or the female one. If he still has his pecker, better put him with the other male inmates and give him a giant jar of petroleum jelly. At least he won’t be screaming when someone breathes down the back of his neck when he’s in the shower. How about soap-on-a-rope.

  3. The only taxpsyer funded anything he should have received is a walk to the electric chair or tied to a ships anchor a sent on a diving trip.


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