(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Texas voter says his vote was changed by machine



  1. Has happened to me about 20 years ago when the machines first came out. Northern CA. No printiut back then. I watched my red votes turn blue on the screen.

    Only way Dems can win is by cheating.

  2. I voted in a town outside off Austin Texas. When I was looking at my ballot I noticed it changed my vote for Ted Cruz had been changed to Collin Aldrich . I quickly changed it back and made sure my print out for Trump and Cruz was definitely in the print out !! Texas beware the left is in full force in Texas .

  3. Not sure why my first comment was deleted ?? I voted yesterday in a small town outside of Austin Tx. As I was voting I noticed that my vote for Ted Cruz had been changed to the left Collin Aldrich !! I quickly changed it back and double checked that my vote for Trump and Cruz was correct on my print out !!

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  4. Anyone find it curious that it always switches the republican vote to democrat instead of vice versa? Then they wonder why so many still believe that the 2020 election was rigged and stolen! No doubt in my mind that Donald Trump won in 2020.

  5. I went yesterday for early voting and was surprised to see so many people voting. I checked my voting and when print it double checked to make sure it was right. I’m confident that people are going to go in masses to vote and this is going to be a tsunami for Trump/Vance, God help us and the US!🙏🏼❤️🇺🇸

  6. I hate to say this but the cheating and deception and corruption will continue, and all that is going to happen is Talk Talk Talk about it. Thus the Corruption and Fraud will continue The only way to stop it is a citizens Uprising, the American people are Sheep being deceived and lied to continuously by the Corrupt Democrats and Establishment . Trump an Outsider upset the Establishment’s Business as Usual Gravy Train and Business as usual Corruption. We the people 🇺🇸Trump Vance 🇺🇸

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  7. I guess voting early does NOT stop the Dems from cheating… This is 100% bullshit, but of course follows the Dem doctrine..”anything to win”…

  8. Here we go again, I can just hear it now just like in 20’….”No fraud” to “no
    Widespread fraud” to finally….”not enough fraud to sway an election”

  9. This issue happened to my husband also. Back on obama’s second term, he did not vote for obama and he saw his vote flip when he was double checking before hitting the enter ballot button. He called the election official and alerted them who said that’s not supposed to do that. The election official was a black man. Imagine that. They directed him to another machine. I asked why isn’t that machine being taken out of service. They brushed me off as it wasn’t my ballot. I called the elections office and told them about it within 15 minutes of leaving the polling location as it appeared they weren’t going to do anything. I bet they let that machine remain in use.


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