(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Second ‘failed gender test’ boxer WINS opening fight at the Olympics, leaves female in tears



  1. This WOKE Olympics is turning into a straw that will break IT’S back. If this kind of đź’© keeps happening, I will never watch another. I really enjoy watching the best Women and Men compete against each other. I don’t really like Pros being involved, so I don’t watch the basketball. I will miss listening to Our National Anthem played over and over again.

  2. Hit that mother fucker in his nuts and Adams apple!
    Then brag about how tough “she” is!
    The world has gone mad!
    We are witnessing men beating women for sport!
    “They”, both, of these degenerates will be caught outside, alone (they won’t be multiples), and the two of them will meet their match!
    Karama IS a BITCH!

  3. In the US, they call that Domestic Violents. Now that the rules have changed, all you need is to have BOXING GLOVES to make it legal. The World has just set a precident

  4. When are these female boxers going to step back and say “we will not compete”. Let the trans, faggots, and maggots out there just standing alone. It will not change unless these women take a firm stand against this bullshit. That guy in the blue suit is a dude who looks like a pussy. If you got a dick, you ain’t a chick. Get lost freak.

  5. The countries with trans people should absolutely be banned from participating in the Olympics. This is definitely domestic violence and abuse. So let us not forget this when they come around again. In the US in 4 years

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