(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Scandal-plagued ‘worst mayor in America’ facing new crisis after reportedly being evicted



  1. Imagine that! The culture of dumb that you ignorant white shills prop up, pander and patronize AND actually vote for these dishonest scumbags.

  2. Well not wanting to sound racist but it seems to me that so far all the blacks in power have done nothing but enrich themselves at the taxpayers expense by scaming the system and acting getto. Any decent blacks that have tried to do right in politics have been lambasted by their own kind in favor of the lowlife scumbags.
    Just saying. Call me what you wish, but it is what it is.

  3. This little ghetto rat enriched herself with expensive trips for herself. It is NOT her money to do that. GOTCHA little twatwaffle. What took so long to take action.

  4. Black women in power…..that’s the problem. henyard is acting like a black ghetto rat, well maybe she is one. She pulls the race card every chance she gets. I have followed this story from months ago. Her constituents called her out on her overspending and other issues and not giving them the time of day and she tried to stifle them. She even locked them out of the public building so they couldn’t enter to air their issues. Yet she persisted. Now what goes around comes around. AIN’T KARMA A BITCH, right tiffany? Where will you go, what will you do? Figure it out bitch. Pitch a tent in the park. See how that works for you.

  5. You can take the Girl out of the Ghetto…But you CAN’T take the Ghetto out of the Girl!!!! πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ˜‚


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