(Commenting on)  VIDEO: RV dealership defiantly raises huge American flag local officials ordered to be taken down



  1. Good for him for not taking it down!!! How can they force you to take down an American Flag? πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ If that doesn’t show people they want to make this a communist country I don’t know what will! It’s as bad as telling people they can’t say Merry Christmas! Remember that one?

  2. As an RVer, I always know where the Camping World is because of their ginormous Flag. Love it, the bigger the better. Mine flies 24/7/365(6), lit up at night. I am proud and grateful to be able to live in the GREATEST Country on earth.

  3. Screw Stockton City. They are a bastion of liberal kooks who hate America. That is their real reason to take down the flag. There are also a ton of illegal aliens from SE Asia and latin america that live in Stockton and they hate the flag.

  4. Beauty image to see. I am glad he isn’t backing down. There is something magnificent in seeing a giant American flag flying proudly! Let’s hope others will step up and do the same!

  5. They have a dealership by me in my state and they β€œhad” the same issue there. It was never brought down.

  6. Screw the local stockton city authorities. They don’t own the property. This is America and it is an American Flag. What’s the problem. Since they hate America so much, load them all on an aircraft bound for palestine or how about iran or any other one of those ratholes where they wear turbans and burkas. They can fight there if they last long enough. Their dead ass carcasses wouldn’t even be shipped back to their families in America for a proper burial.

  7. I am also an immigrant and I approve this massage, and I went outside I put my flag up, and I have one in the back too, every Real American should put his flag up and any body want to take it down will feel my boots in his ass

  8. Thank You for showing your patriotism Mr. Lemonis. We as immigrants have to keep showing how proud we are of living in this country. The United States of America gave us the freedom and prosperity we lacked in our own countries of origin. My family came from Cuba (legally) in 1955. We never gave up our Cuban culture but we assimilated to the American way and that is how it should be.

  9. LOVE IT!!!!!!!
    The one in Kenosha WI was taken down. Now the store is closed.
    I post it all the time on FB, but leading up to July 4th, the censoring body said my 15 second video file was too big to post.
    Keep up the proud flight of our great flag, Camper’s World!

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