(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Rudy Guliani falls between chairs during RNC



  1. Speculation, of course put something as disgusting as that all over the Internet and then have to retract it. After thousands of people have seen it !!!! way to go whoever put that out there!! These people are despicable

  2. Look I’m old…but old people gotta go in politics. I wish I could stop working and enjoy life for a change! I’m not part of the elite though.

  3. Who the hell was the pussy boy in the light tan pants with his extended hand doing nothing to even stop Rudy from falling. Is he that helpless that he couldn’t help Rudy up by putting his arm under Rudy’s armpit to help get him back on his feet. It takes two people to lift someone back on their feet. What an ass. He just let the old guys lift Rudy up. If there were an emergency I wouldn’t want told an pants around me.

  4. Ever slip between chairs before. I have. Wounded my pride lol. It happens to everyone and you don’t have to be old to have it happen

  5. Love Rudy! Looks to me like his knee might’ve given way. That can happen to young people as well as old! Geez! I’ve also the past few days had equilibrium issues and it was suggested that I could need so simple Zyrtec or Singulair! Considering the garbage that’s been put in our atmosphere I’m not surprised he might’ve stumbled and lost balance! Praying he’s ok! I have bad knees and there are some days I can walk pretty good then others oh my I have to take it slow! They’re just following everyone around to grab a story and try and destroy someone! Put your camera away reporters and help the man!

  6. The abominable way Rudy has been treated and almost crushed really sickens me .I have always admired and respected him for all he has done and how his passion for this country and it’s people never wanes . I pray Trump can do something about making this right .

  7. Looks like he didn’t see the step down into the seating area & lost his balance. Been there , done that .

  8. Love Rudy and hope he’s okay. Hope he gets to come back to the RNC with his son hopefully to assist him.

  9. Always loved Mayor Rudy Giuliani! He was the BEST Mayor NYC EVER had! Did a LOT to bring down the crime rate! What they have done to him (and others) over the stolen 2020 election is absolutely despicable!!!

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