(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Rooftop from which gunman shot at Trump was identified as a security vulnerability before rally



  1. Set up by the Head of Secret Service and O’BaDin 🤬🤬🤬
    Only by the grace of GOD will this Country be saved from the DemoncRats !!!!!
    🇺🇲🇺🇲 Trump/Vance TSUNAMI 2024 🇺🇲🇺🇲

  2. Wow, that was an insider job, they have plenty of time to gun him down without any casualties. Not even the gun men, they could arrest him before he hit Trump, the firefighter and the two injured rally attendees. Shame on them!

  3. A security risk, but no one did anything to secure the building roof, lock it down with snipers on the roof, move drones in with weapons, and a chopper overhead with a gunner sharpshooter on board. WTF.

  4. It doesn’t take much common sense to realize that .. the least Secret Service could’ve done is remove Trump from the stage until they properly assessed the situation.

  5. They also not only deliberately risked Trump’s life but a man lost his along with the critically injured and the rest of the rally goers . This makes me so sick heads BETTER roll….

  6. This is the issue as I see it.
    This assassination attempt is obviously a huge security breach. The question is was it on purpose to allow such a also in hopes someone would take a shot.
    It just seems so far fetched that this shooter was in police radar for almost a half hour and was in the roof for several minutes and Trump wasn’t immediately removed off the stage. The saddest part is a patriot is dead and two more injured and families destroyed

  7. Seriously folks, this flat out stinks and as usual the truth will never come out. Basically we are a third world country that fortunately has a strong constitutional base that’s keeping these commies from totally destroying what’s left.

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