If the protesters truly cared about the illegal immigrants occupying the theater, they would have invited them into their homes months ago! Reply
You get what you hand out. Give them an inch and they took a mile. But you asked for it by allowing these freeloaders leeches into your country. Reply
THREE months ??.feel good being a lenient country ??.one more reason you can FORGET the return of Lady Liberty that you SO disrespect ….. Reply
How did the 200 protesters know to gather outside of the theater at 6am on a random day and who paid them to go there? Reply
They don’t like the cold then send them back home!!!
Evict these illegal freeloaders, send them back home where they belong!
If the protesters truly cared about the illegal immigrants occupying the theater, they would have invited them into their homes months ago!
You get what you hand out. Give them an inch and they took a mile. But you asked for it by allowing these freeloaders leeches into your country.
THREE months ??.feel good being a lenient country ??.one more reason you can FORGET the return of Lady Liberty that you SO disrespect …..
How did the 200 protesters know to gather outside of the theater at 6am on a random day and who paid them to go there?