(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Residents live in fear as armed ‘ghost’ gang roams building allegedly taken over by illegal aliens



  1. As I commented on the other day, bring in the National Guard and clear the gangs out. Arrest them or kill them. The ones arrested get flown over Venezuela and dropped out of airplanes. Cooperative ones get a chute others not. Their choice.
    🇺🇲 TRUMP/Vance TSUNAMI 2024 🇺🇲

    • Claude…..Start shooting the pigs. I agree with you Claude. Exterminate the vermin. That is the only way to be rid of the trash. It would send a very loud and clear message. While Colorado law generally does not require retreat before acting in self-defense (even outside the home), Colorado has adopted a statutory form of the Castle Doctrine that allows a person to use any degree of force against a person “when that other person has made an unlawful entry into the dwelling, and when the occupant has a reasonable belief that such other person has committed a crime in the dwelling in addition to the uninvited entry, or is committing or intends to commit a crime against a person or property in addition to the uninvited entry, and when the occupant reasonably believes that such other person might use any physical force, no matter how slight, against any occupant” (found in C.R.S. 18-1-704.5). You hear that Colorado???????????????? Smith and Wesson, or Glock. USE IT.

  2. If there would be no repercussions, I’ve got a “few” patriots that could exterminate these vermin and all the police have to do, is turn their backs.

  3. No US citizens should have to live in fear from others that should even be here. Where are the police, the city council & the mayor for letting this take place to begin with?

  4. I hate to say this but if it was me living there. I would have filled my apartment up with gas cutting the gas lines in my apartment. I would have blown the building down. Come try that in my neighborhood and you will be fertilizer and worm food. This boils my blood that the police don’t do shit. Who cares if they will get out in 2or 3days. Tag everyone of them so you can round ALL of them up at the same time

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