(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Protests unfold at California State Capitol following scrapped reparations bills



  1. The fake narrative continues and this culture always the victim always looking for the freebies always looking for someone to slight them always looking for a reason to loot and destroy property, always looking for “special” treatment always complaining and whining yet what do they do for themselves? This fake narrative has gone on for decades, it’s been very profitable and the corrupt politicians loves it. Ignorant fools. Ruination of America.

  2. What makes these people think they are entitled to anything. They can work for their keep just as the rest of us. They were not slaves.

  3. What happened 400 years ago has no bearing on today. Get off your asses and get a job and work hard. That’s the American dream. No one owes you anything for something that happened so long ago.

  4. Slavery ended years ago and who the F do these ppl think they are? Go get a job. Grewsome newscum needs to be replaced too. If they think it’s so bad go move to another country and take all those illegals with you.

  5. Get a fucking job and work for a living like most other Americans. You aren’t owed anything, not a damn dime. Lincoln freed the slaves, remember? Always playing the race card and victimhood. You are no better than the punk ass illegal freeloading maggots crossing our borders. They want it all for free and do nothing, just like you do. You think the world owes you. Think again.

  6. We owe you nothing. They need to stop using color just to get free money. Get off your butts and make something out of yourselves. And by the way, it only shows weakness. There are black men and women who came from nothing to became a successful in their lives.

  7. Why do black feel they’re owed reparations?? . How many whites died to set you free!! Always looking for a handout.

  8. What a race of lazy fuckers I want free money and cry like kids when they do not get it what a race of pathetic beings

  9. Reparations is racist! These people are no more African than me! Slavery was abolished in 1863! Not a damn person alive today was ever a slave and not a single person alive ever owned slaves!

  10. Go screw yourselves you lazy welfare cheats. Whites and Asians have been paying massive taxes to support these lazy black buffoons. Go work and get vasectomies.

  11. You the Black community seriously need to debrief your people and accept accountability. Your people have been in this nation for almost 200 years and you still can’t straighten your shit. Most Asians have been here for only a few decades at most and they are excelling in academics and in the work force. You the black community have zero excuse and only yourselves to blame. Clean up your act and stop shifting your misery to other people.

  12. These people are ancesters. Not the victims. They don’t deserve anything. If they need to be paid, pay the amount due the victim at the time that it happened!

  13. What a bunch of cow manure! Your descendants were sold into slavery by your own people! Most of these slaves probably lived better than they would have if not captured and sold. Regardless, not one black person alive today deserves any reparations. Stop expecting people to pay you for the privilege you have had of living in this great country and calling it home. Would you rather go back to Africa?

  14. Coming on the heels of $150,000 down payment for illegals to buy homes, these reparations bills could do too much political damage in an election year. It could resonate across the country against the Dems.

    And so what if blacks in CA don’t vote for Kommie-lies? The cheating machine in the state is too well ensconced for that to matter.

    I find it interesting that there was zero publicity that these reparations bills were still active. Last I heard was that there might be a committee to look into reparations. That was some time ago.

    Wonder where Newscum would get those billions to pay off the blacks? He’s already got the state 70 billion in debt. Now he’s expanded resources for the illegals while citizens are being crushed under the weight of just living day to day. I’m in CA, 600 miles north of the border and am seeing those white buses drive into towns and illegals in the stores. Towns are small up here so they stand out.

  15. If my recollection is correct, when California was admitted to the Union, it was admitted as a Slavery Free State. Then talk about reparations is MOOT point.

  16. Folks, this is the Left pitting blacks and whites against one another yet again. See it for what it is. Manipulation. They promise blacks free money, then back off of it. The blacks complain, and it gets whites to fall into the trap of being angry with blacks. How about we all direct our outrage at the Democrat Party for playing these games with people’s desperation. Can we all just agree that the Democrat Party is Demonic? If Satin were running the Democrat Party, what would he do differently? I think there’s a strong case to be made for nothing. Hate is evil and that’s all the Demonic and the Democrat Party have to offer.

  17. What about the reparations for all the white union soldiers descendants who died to end slavery…. As usual, the democrats aren’t marching for them.

  18. God forbid this would pass. It will only cause racial tension to the max. We’ve come so far since slavery. All that Obama has done has taken us so far back. You are free now people and you have more rights than others as a minority. wise up and realize the libs are not your friends. . If you don’t like it here, leave.

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