Harris had no chance in hell, she was just another puppet and everyone knew it.
Pelosi is delusional if she thinks Kamala had any chance of becoming President. The American people are not that stupid.
I hate to say it but, she’s right you know.
Thank you “Crazy Nancy” for being stupid enough not to figure this “strategy” out sooner! You’re left nut “party” all knew this even during his previous “presidential run” and didn’t you have some shrink state that your “President” didn’t have the “marbles” to stand before a trial, yet still no problem to be the “POTUS”??? Oh, I forgot, “O’Biden” the puppet master was/still is control, but NOT for long!
I think since they pushed him out he named Kamala right away so they had no choice, but he figured she couldn’t win to get back at them. And some of his remarks especially the night of her big speech in front of the White House when he called Republicans “Garbage” was done to hurt their campaign more.
I think joe did it intentionally as he probably was smart enough to realize she could not win against Trump. Ain’t payback a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For me, the glow of November 6th is still shining brightly. We dodged a major bullet this time. Thank the Lord that Trump did also. If anyone will get this country back to the one we love and respect, Trump can do it. I pray for his and his family’s safety as well as J.D. Vance and his beautiful wife and children. Americans have finally awakened to reality. The democrats were nor working for Americans. Electoral Vote count…Trump 301 EV’s, kamala 226. I find it amazing that hillary clinton got 227 EV’s in 2016, only one more than kamala the kackling kunt.
I thought we would be rid of crazy Nancy by now!!
I love watching the Democratic Party imploding and turning on each other. This is exactly what the prophets said would happen.
Cry me a river
The wheels on the bus go round and round..very entertaining to watch the Democrats unravel amidst their self inflicted political wounds.
Biden did choose to “get out” of the race we all watched Biden forced out.
If the Dems and media has admitted Biden has a mental decline then Biden wouldn’t have been able to run yet sadly he is still president. These talking heads can not get passed themselves. Everyone is to blame except the policies.
Dems were always great in messaging however this time they tried to tell us what we saw wasn’t real. That the groceries and illigals and china Iran and wars across the middle east weren’t that big of a deal. Yet this time the message didn’t work because peoples money was affected.
Nancy doesn’t like not being in control. She needs to retire, go home and continue living her miserable life.
As usual, pelosi is delusional. Harris would have never won even if she had 10 years to prepare. But that’s the demorats for ya… Always living in fantasy land.
Again, DML won’t use my reply. I’m done with you….
She probably blames everyone and everything else for her being an ugly human being ( in more ways than one).
Nothing is her fault!!
I hope I used the right pronouns there.🫤
Wow, she’s a really well versed liar.
I hope she does not get reelected. But after Schiff winning his reelection , I’m not too sure that will happen. CA is rigged to be sure.
Someone needs to throw this old fossilized shitbag under the bus along with biden and kamala
nancy, take a helping of dick and bubblegum. The bubblegum will keep your teeth in place and you won’t be adjusting your mouth every two seconds, and the dick will keep your mouth full so you can’t talk. No one gives a rats ass what you have to say. STFU and go find a cave filled with bats.
Pelosi is delusional if she thinks Kamala had any chance of becoming President. The American people are not that stupid.
I hate to say it but, she’s right you know.
Thank you “Crazy Nancy” for being stupid enough not to figure this “strategy” out sooner! You’re left nut “party” all knew this even during his previous “presidential run” and didn’t you have some shrink state that your “President” didn’t have the “marbles” to stand before a trial, yet still no problem to be the “POTUS”??? Oh, I forgot, “O’Biden” the puppet master was/still is control, but NOT for long!
I think since they pushed him out he named Kamala right away so they had no choice, but he figured she couldn’t win to get back at them. And some of his remarks especially the night of her big speech in front of the White House when he called Republicans “Garbage” was done to hurt their campaign more.
I think joe did it intentionally as he probably was smart enough to realize she could not win against Trump. Ain’t payback a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For me, the glow of November 6th is still shining brightly. We dodged a major bullet this time. Thank the Lord that Trump did also. If anyone will get this country back to the one we love and respect, Trump can do it. I pray for his and his family’s safety as well as J.D. Vance and his beautiful wife and children. Americans have finally awakened to reality. The democrats were nor working for Americans. Electoral Vote count…Trump 301 EV’s, kamala 226. I find it amazing that hillary clinton got 227 EV’s in 2016, only one more than kamala the kackling kunt.
I thought we would be rid of crazy Nancy by now!!
I love watching the Democratic Party imploding and turning on each other. This is exactly what the prophets said would happen.
Cry me a river
The wheels on the bus go round and round..very entertaining to watch the Democrats unravel amidst their self inflicted political wounds.
Biden did choose to “get out” of the race we all watched Biden forced out.
If the Dems and media has admitted Biden has a mental decline then Biden wouldn’t have been able to run yet sadly he is still president. These talking heads can not get passed themselves. Everyone is to blame except the policies.
Dems were always great in messaging however this time they tried to tell us what we saw wasn’t real. That the groceries and illigals and china Iran and wars across the middle east weren’t that big of a deal. Yet this time the message didn’t work because peoples money was affected.
Nancy doesn’t like not being in control. She needs to retire, go home and continue living her miserable life.
As usual, pelosi is delusional. Harris would have never won even if she had 10 years to prepare. But that’s the demorats for ya… Always living in fantasy land.
Again, DML won’t use my reply. I’m done with you….
She probably blames everyone and everything else for her being an ugly human being ( in more ways than one).
Nothing is her fault!!
I hope I used the right pronouns there.
Wow, she’s a really well versed liar.
I hope she does not get reelected. But after Schiff winning his reelection , I’m not too sure that will happen. CA is rigged to be sure.
Someone needs to throw this old fossilized shitbag under the bus along with biden and kamala
nancy, take a helping of dick and bubblegum. The bubblegum will keep your teeth in place and you won’t be adjusting your mouth every two seconds, and the dick will keep your mouth full so you can’t talk. No one gives a rats ass what you have to say. STFU and go find a cave filled with bats.