(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Obama wildly blames Harris’ lagging campaign on the Covid pandemic



  1. I believe the Harris campaign is finished it’s over and they are trying everything and most of it is all lies and talking points. Harris can not even talk so we do not need another 4 years of dumbness and Harris is very dumb! I also believe this election is going to be over by election day.

  2. Obama and bubba need to go back home. They’re doing more harm than good. Why don’t they admit they have a weak candidate and then she picked a moron for VP. But she probably didn’t do the picking. Everything about the last four years smack of Obama.

  3. Covid my ass. It’s not the fault of covid, dumbo ears. It’s her policies and she is dumber than a sand grain. Not much smarter than joe biden, the brain-dead meat suit. These two have been major failures since day 1. The biggest fail was 13 dead American Patriots coming back home in body bags and coffins. joe couldn’t even give 30 minutes of undivided respect. FU joe, I hope you end up in your rocking chair with your blankie and your sippy cup tomorrow. harris is a damn lost cause covering for you and now the media is covering for her ass. She is downright stupid. World leaders from this day forward are laughing in her face and laughing at America. We used to be the strongest nation on earth.. She will only be used as a puppet, then kicked under the bus once they are done with her ass. We all know how harris got where she it….it certainly wasn’t based on her brains. It’s all about the knee pads.

  4. Typical Democrat; failier is always someone or something elses fault. Stupidity is never their fault.
    They may not always be right.
    Being a democrat means never having to say youre sorry.

  5. Go back to your mansions Obama.
    We don’t need no words from a gas been like you.
    The puppet strings yiu have been controlling for last four years are about to be cut.

  6. Obama needs to shut up, sit down and quit race baiting. We had eight years of his vitriol and four years of his shadow government supposedly Biden’s presidency, but we know he and Hillary were in there giving orders. Now he wants four more years to pull Harris’s strings to finally end our country and our lives.

  7. Throw stuff against the wall and see what sticks.
    Sadly people don’t remember what the Biden/Harris administration did during covid because people only remember what’s happening now.
    Blaming financial issues we now have because of their choices during covid 2 yrs ago is just as bad as Russia Russia Russia or saying Trump is mentally declined. It doesn’t ring true

  8. The Democrats have nothing to offer except lies to the American people. They try them one after another hoping against hope that one of them will be believed. They are out to destroy the country and I think the American people have finally figured that out.

  9. It scares me to think this election has already been rigged. Remember Biden stayed in basement. Didn’t do any rallies. Yet he still won. Trump was leading and then they stopped counting. And lo and behold there were all these “Votes” came in for Biden.
    Since she isn’t doing press conferences, that’s what bothers me. Is this election already been stolen?
    And they blamed it on Covid!

  10. It absolutely disgusts me to see all these slobbering 🤤 whites with their 💩eating grins watching this commie most disgusting so called president in the history of this republic, a liar, a racist, anti American and basically ruined our republic yet these f’n shills sit there listening to his bull💩. Bunch of commies. By the way dummy you clowns created the PLANdemic to control the masses and it worked and by the look of the pathetic audience it’s still working, f’n scumbag.


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