(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Oakland’s $100K Gas Station Chaos



  1. I can only blame the leadership and the district attorney. This is what happens when police get defunded and prosecutors refuse to do their jobs. Quit protecting the criminals and let the police do their jobs. These crimes are costing taxpayers too much money and people are getting hurt.

  2. How could 2 or 3 officers do anything when 70-100 thugs break in. Start shooting them. A few dead ones laying in the store to step over might send a huge message.

    • I agree, but in California the cops would go to jail, and the PO$hit family would sue and get rich.

  3. Disgusting behavior. Find and arrest all of them. Charge them with felonies and sentence to hard labor. Ca is now a criminals paradise…..Thanks Newsom!!

  4. Starting to look like the movies Escape from LA and Escape from NY. Soon they will have to erect tall walls around the city to keep the criminals in.

  5. We don’t have any businesses in our area. Duh . Where are the outraged people of that community speaking out against this illegal behavior you reap what you sow.

  6. MF Illegals and MF blacks why I am not surprised since that FAG governor is still working and not flipping burgers some where

  7. When there are no stores in their community they will seek out your area to rob , that’s when the shooting will start. Law abiding citizens will not let that happen in their communities. You’ve been Warned. Straighten off your Communities.

  8. When a farmer wants to keep the sheep out of the garden, he cuts the heads off a couple sheep and mount the heads on the garden posts.

  9. California under that idiot governor. The state has become a shithole. And people think he will replace Biden. He is slick oil snake charmer. He has totally ruined California

  10. Blacks doing what they do best to wreck their own neighborhoods. These are probably young teens with no curfew..

  11. You stinking POS voted for this! You choose to keep commie Newstrom in office! Reap what you sow, IDIOTS!

    • Not necessarily, people vote, but Democrats make sure votes are changed to their party and stuff voting boxes with false votes (yes they do because cameras caught them on tape!) and have dead people vote so the real people can get a fair election. People are waking up and want the scumbags out of office, but it’s an uphill battle.

  12. Ask yourself a question. Have you ever known 70+100 people get together to do something like this?
    A mob of people all decided to show up at the same time to wreck a store?
    These hit jobs in stores are not just happening out of thin air. How does someone not know it’s going down who thinks it’s wrong?
    How do they communicate the hit? Who plans it? Who gathers the people. I don’t know any large group like this hanging out at 4 am decide hey you know that store lets go there….
    As for the police lack of presence. Is anyone surprised? If the store owner didn’t report as it was going on or if he did I’m sure the response is the same. The police aren’t allowed to police and if they showed up at the time we would likely be either hearing about a dead officer or an officer accused of excessive force.

  13. How are these people out together? You don’t just have 100 people all decided at one time to go smash up a store at 4 am…

  14. DEFUND THE POLICE! Hows that working out again?
    Why would you be calling the police anyway? They have been defunded. You have no police anymore, and you’ve turned your jails into a bed and breakfast for the criminals. Cartel gangs are now your law enforcement.
    Better get used to for paying protection.

  15. How about electing politicians who believe in LAW and ORDER!!! Nothing will change until Californian’s want and demand law and order! The current government is ruining California.

  16. Perfect example of voting for desperate Democrats that defund the police. The police didn’t show up for hours after this happened. Do you feel safe in Oakland, California?

  17. And the pos that turned California into the dung hole it is now, is one of the top runners to replace Biden? Democrats lost the civil war but they are still trying to destroy America.

  18. Hmmm always a common theme, wonder why. Inner city’s ruined and now the suburbs are being invaded soon they too will be destroyed. Good ol whitey shills, thank you for creating this mess bunch of pandering and patronizing fools that go along with the fake narrative.

  19. It’s what you get when you defund police. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving shithole like california. I would no longer ever visit that state. No wonder people are moving out of there. They can’t stand newsome and the crime is mind boggling.

    • california should now be called thug-a-fornia. You get what you vote for. Why are the thugs not yet moving to areas in the hills of hollywood and beverly hills where the rich bitches live. Let them experience what it feels like.

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