(Commenting on)  VIDEO: NFL legend rips woman offended by ‘White’ National Anthem singers at restaurant, immigrant citizen delivers powerful rant



  1. It didn’t offend here. She’s in a restaurant that serves all American dishes. She is seeking attn and wants to feel relevant. Her life is shit and everyone around her are successful ppl and she failed. She thinks here asshole face will attract enough likes to get noticed and payed. She knew exactly what she was doing. Such a toxic sewage pit. You owe this country a sincere apology.

  2. Hi black bitch you do not like the country that feed your ass leave it bitch what a trash, I am first generation immigrant and I am proud to be an American and served and loved this country that gave me every thing I have now AND I WAS BORN IN AFRICA BITCH I AM THE REAL AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT FAKE LIKE YOU YOU FO NOT LINE GO BACK TO AFRICA AND LIVE IN A TIN CAN BITCH

  3. So typically of this ungrateful racist culture. Notice how they are always calling out “white people” why? Bunch of insecure chip on their shoulders whiners that live off the fake race card. Little commie scumbag. Ruination of America

  4. What a racist, ungrateful , IGNORANT BITCH! Thank you God for not letting me see this! If I had after the anthem I’d be accidentally spilling a gallon of tea over her damn stupid head! She should be banned from the country !

  5. So if this little drenched PO💩 is triggered by the National Anthem I will give her my favorite answer. My concern about you being “triggered” can be measured in micro give a shits! Get over yourself. No one gives two shots if you’re “offended “! Period

  6. What I truly believe is the issue with people like her is we Americans have not suffered in a very long time as a nation. The last time we as a country came together was 9/11.
    Gone are the days when we as a nation worked together for the greater good of our country. That’s where the pride came from. Accomplishment!
    These generations are spoiled. They think only if their need and not the need of the many.. this is why people like her don’t understand pride for our country..
    I can’t remember her name but the basketball player who knelt during the national anthem. Then became a prisoner in a different country. Ask her now her thoughts in the country she trashed to the one who rescued her.. she now has investment in her country and I bet she now has a different outlook

  7. God bless you Photo Guy!

    The young woman is completely lacking the virtue of gratitude without which it is impossible to live a happy life.

  8. We used to be a country where people worked hard for what they had. They went to school to learn and make something of themselves and marry and begin a family and take pride in their jobs their families and what a wonderful life they built! Then we were guilted into believing it was our fault that blacks couldn’t get ahead or succeed!so we had to give them everything to level the playing field!! BS!! Now look where we are!! More more more!! We want more!! Gimme more!! I’ll burn down your town I’ll destroy your monuments to your heroes! They aren’t my heroes!! George Floyd is my hero! I ain’t gotta work you whitey owe me!! The police are racist! They are unfair judges want to put all black men in prison so no one is there to raise their children! BS!! Again BS!! I ran across an anniversary issue of Ebony magazine many years ago full of pictures of old black judges lawyers congressmen doctors etc etc who lives in this country and were in these positions!! And others all the way up to that current year!! My jaw dropped!! I was like how did these people get college degrees and become so successful and in these positions they held in government and as people of prestige if they were oppressed and couldn’t get an education??? OMG!! That was my AHA moment!! In 1995 or around that time!!! You’ve all been lied to for decades!! Now because these little snits have been given everything they appreciate nothing!! And even knowing their own people fought and served and some gave their lives so these little snits could have mani/pedis and spend hundreds$$$ to get their hair “did” and have their latte’s and shop for new outfits all the time because they loved the idea of living in this beautiful country and you want to act like this??? You need to be sent to where you can find out just how good it is to have the privilege to eat out and stand and sing with joy and pride over your national anthem!!!

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