(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Newsom comes unhinged in wild rant about Trump



  1. Newsom is jealous of Trump! Gavin your the narcissistic dumb ass!! G.N.and Kamala ruined California!! All these go, go win Kamala news channels are Losers! What else is new😂😂Trump/Vance🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Too big to rig!!🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸

  2. No jenn, it is a fair description of newscome, harris, walz and joe biden. The first three are unhinged, and joe biden is brain dead. Give him his diaper and an ice cream cone, and he will be happy but he may not know which one to lick. And you jenn psaki, are a useless douchebag. How much do you get paid a month to lie, jenn? Anything over a dollar is too much.

  3. Wtf you two talking about?? Trump never does anything for just 39 minutes. His events last up to 3 hours which he had one yesterday. Today he did a town hall!!
    The news is so corrupt. And your gullible followers believe it They become so ignorant! And the hate that you create clouds their minds of any sense of truth. Shameful!!

  4. He’s talking about the Town Hall, our “GOAT” had this past week; when it had to be cut short due to a couple of people falling ill. President Trump, and Many people stayed for 39 minutes singing & dancing to music Our President had played. Pretty cool, if you ask me!!! Hanging out with his supporters. Can’t see those mentioned above doing that! They likely couldn’t rise to the occasion!

  5. If people don’t realize what the REAL truth is simply by watching Trump’s actions and all the crowds that form.for him ,then listen to these lying scumbags they have a real mental problem

  6. These two cockroaches psaki and newscome don’t know what a dictator/facist does. That would be joe biden….as in DICK-tator. These types either jail their opponents or have them assassinated. It would not surprise me if joe biden gave the order. I rest my case.

  7. This is the leftist loony demnuts narrative until election day. He’s unhinged, everyone got the memo even the MSM. They are desperate now and the election day is now upon us with early voting.

  8. Coming from a commie from the biggest 💩state in America, pretty boy has a manly problem. Another girly man trying to be relevant. Hey clown if you haven’t noticed we have been under devil DEMONcrates control that’s doing anything and everything to undermine our republics constitution. Talk about dictatorship look at yourself in a mirror scumbag along with the rest of your cult groupies. F’n pervert. You cannot make up this kind of stupid.

  9. Since I don’t want GN to be disappointed in me and I crave the approval of Howard Stern, I better vote Harris/Walz. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  10. People were locked up tighter than a drum confined to home whilst king newscum was eating fancy cuisine and drinking pricey wine 🍷 at the round table

  11. Quite disturbing! That’s all the Democrats can say and is call names but, never what they do! Why would you think anyone would listen to you and change their mind..

  12. Newscum better look up the word fascist in the dictionary! It describes he and the Democrat Party to a tee. Its a dictator .. Sounds like Obama, Manduro , and Castro.

  13. What incredible ARROGANCE Newsom displayed, 80% of the country knows are all rotton absolute LIES about Trump?! Trump “ a broken person “ who stood up to fight even after being shot? 🤣 I don’t think so Gavin?

    • If Newscum had been shot like that he would have put his tail between his legs and ran off squealing like the little piglet that he is. He’s nothing a bag of hot air. California can’t be rid of this asshole soon enough. This once great state has turned into a train wreck with him at the helm

  14. This from the pos thats driving citizens from his state, highest homelessness, open border and sanctuary state,highest gas prices in the country so nobody buys what slithers thru his lips

  15. The Left loves that word Fascist
    They need to look up the definition.
    And man, they are WORRIED. It is fun to watch.
    If people havent made up their minds by now, leave it.
    Trump cancelling what? He is working some place EVERYDAY so I guess you just miss out, scum!
    Don’t slow down America! Vote vote vote. Trump /Vance 2024

  16. My lying eyes and ears are at it again. Trump is unhinged and low energy?
    I’m confused… It must be the lying eyes and ears

  17. I LOVE THE SMELL OF PANIC ! These satanic beings know they are toast they are desperately trying to hang on but no one is listening!

  18. Oh maybe he was busy working the drive thru at McDonalds while you were just yapping nonsense to journalists who do nothing but spread propaganda.

  19. Look who’s calling the kettle black! After all his ex wife is in the Trump family now. Newsome is a pos. Talking about a dictator I think that’s a good example of Newsome since because of him and his laws had taken children from families and turning them into experiments changing there gender at an early age where they can’t make decisions for themselves they just want to belong with their peers that manipulate them. California is a crazy state to live in if you have children.

  20. Newsom is so pathetic and so narcissistic that even his own Democrat party were afraid to touch him as a national candidate. That they instead chose two birdbrains just tells you WHO would really be running the country if they won… just like the last twelve years.


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