(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Newly released footage shows Pelosi declaring Trump has to pay a price



  1. Seems a little convient that Pelosi’s daughter was filming her mom those days. Oh she is contrite about not having the national guard.
    Look people in Jan 6th played right into the Dems hands. They did not succeed with Russia gate and everything else that was thrown at Trump.
    Jan 6th is what the Dems wanted to happen and did nothing to prevent it..
    Even with Trump saying go peacefully. The Dems had their distraction against a stolen election. If you point out any proof they lump you in with Jan 6th and all those unfairly jailed.. GOD WILL GET HER. Gives me comfort..

  2. Piglosi is as culpable as Mayor Bowser is for the result of J6. They are responsible because they REFUSED the National Guard help that was offered by Our President TRUMP. They should be jailed NOW!
    🇺🇲 TRUMP/Vance TSUNAMI 2024 🇺🇲

  3. Excellent book by Julie Kelly titled, January 6: How Democrats Used the Capitol Protest to Launch a War on Terror Against the Political Right. I borrowed the book on Hoopla from my local library. She’s research all aspects of what happened that day. I highly recommend it.

  4. When is this drunk bitch going to pay the price! She should be in GITMO along with half or majority of our politicians. They are all greedy, or they are being blackmailed for something they did that they shouldn’t have We need term limits and get these dam career multi-millionaires out

  5. Pelosi is an 83 old lush. An evil one to boot.
    It’s time to get her out the Government.
    She’s smelling up the room🤢

  6. Killery’s sister is one of the most evil thing’s on planet earth, a pure devil with her veiny hands flaring like a mad crazy person. You cannot make up the evil of these scumbags. Pure commies, anti American po💩.

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