(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Most expensive mansion in Palisades, seen in hit TV series, destroyed in LA wildfires



  1. Wonder how many things in that house contained lithium batteries. Read what happens when lithium batteries catch fire.

  2. What these firers in California is showing everyone is it does not matter how much money you make votes really do matter because you are now being effected by bad policies and dei hirers of people not qualified for their job. Firer does not care what side of the isle you are on. Neighbors aren’t asking you if you are Republican or Democrat. They are asking what they can do to help..
    I’m also amazed at the comments from people who act like it doesn’t matter because many are rich. When a firer burns up your home and possessions it doesn’t matter your wealth , it hurts just as bad…

  3. Tired of hearing about the celebrities and gazillionaires losing their mansions.How about all the little people and business owners who have lost everything.That’s who I feel sorry for and should receive help

    • This right here.
      And folks that worked for them? The live in help? What of them?
      And let’s not forget the poor struggling souls in WNC sleeping in tents in the snow & ice still.

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