(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Melania Trump takes controversial stance on abortion issue, shocking many supporters



  1. Politicians are all the same. They are all liars saying anything to get elected. This tells me DJT is no different. Jesus Christ is our Savior not DJT, and if you think he is going to save the USA, prepare to be disappointed.

    • Because Melania has a different view then you trash DJ Trump? You must have not liked Trump his first four years … he kept his promises. He is not your normal politician … let’s say like Biden or Walz and Kamala.

  2. I believe that any woman has many ways to make sure they don’t get pregnant. I a woman does get pregnant she knows within a month or two but the father should be told. Too many women use abortions as birth control. Any women’s health if in jeopardy, rape or incest should have access to an abortion in every state

  3. A woman knows within 8 weeks if she’s pregnant or before. Decide then if you want a child. Abort early, if need be, but not until after a baby becomes viable.

  4. She has a right to he opinion. She us not the president. Trump will do what he says.. he has given it back to the states to deal with.

  5. But if what you’re saying is we got to choose between two Evils. Then I’m going with the Outsider. 🇺🇸 Trump Vance 🇺🇸

  6. How is a person positively identified by law enforcement? Law enforcement uses DNA, and a person receives DNA at conception!! Those mature adults with reasoning brain cells would then think “Wow, babies are actually persons at conception because DNA shows that to be a fact!”.

    • Thank you Maynard. That is so true and no one wants to speak up for the baby’s rights. It is not just a clump of cells. It is a baby. Everyone on the planet was at that point once. I still say if you’re mature enough to have sex, you’re mature enough to face the consequences of your actions. Birth control works if you use it properly.. Most people screaming for abortions are not in that category.

  7. How is a person positively identified by law enforcement? Law enforcement uses DNA, and a person receives DNA at conception!! Those mature adults with reasoning brain cells would then think “Wow, babies are actually persons at conception because DNA shows that to be a fact!”.

  8. If the woman has the right to abort at conception, not at birth, then that baby also has rights to live at conception. Don’t use abortion as birth control.

  9. That’s how former Flotus Betty Ford and Laura Bush spoke out also differing from their husbands. In my opinion there are way too many abortions. And when the baby can survive it is definitely murder. And when they are paid by the government it becomes a lot easier. Still think using contraception is much easier than an abortion procedure. And the use of fetus parts adds to the cause also which is just horrific.

  10. I had planned to purchase a copy of her book, not now. So disappointed. She of all people should know that the baby has a separate body.

  11. If you’re going to ride the baloney pony, make sure you’re willing to give this man’s daughter a “choice”, if not, buy yourself a dild0 (the size of your choice), and enjoy your orga$m without creating a human your willing to murder.

  12. Could it be she secretly wants Trump to lose. Which I truly think he’s will lose. I don’t trust the democrats or the people of America to make the right choice.


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