(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Liberal host wildly claims ‘corrupt’ SCOTUS will install Trump as president if Harris wins



  1. No way are the American people stupid enough to vote for Harris and the communist that was picked for her as a running mate. If they win it will only be because the demorats ran the same cheating scam they did in 2020

  2. 😂😂😂😂😂

    Tell me you don’t understand how elections work without telling me you don’t understand how elections work!

    What an idiot!

  3. Corrupt is the Biden administration’s attempt to usurp Our Constitutional Republic. We have THREE EQUAL branches of government. When one tries to limit the other for it’s own gain that should be considered TREASONOUS!!!
    And they say Our President TRUMP is a danger to democracy…they need to look in the mirror at their own duplicity.
    🇺🇲 TRUMP/Vance TSUNAMI 2024 🇺🇲

  4. What dumb people the left are !! They can’t stand the truth so they make up lies and then others believe the lies because why would media lie ??? … lol.

  5. hey charlamagne, why don’t you report on cori bush who just lost, she lost, she lost, she lost. Will her big mouth be out rappin’ and screamin’ about it. Next we have to get rid of the raghead ilhan omar. She needs to gather up her turbans and head back to somalia. Hope the little bitch loses big time.

    • Good one
      I will add…….
      She lost!

      Next AOC, mentallyilhan omar, and pressley!
      (Astounding how AOC was primaried a couple of years ago……
      And was returned to congress. )

  6. WOW, we just redefined DUMB. Another racist commie. DJT stop pandering to this culture of hate they are NOT going to vote for you.

  7. So just when does stupidity begin and end??? This is probably the most ridiculous public statement made!!! Could you be any dumber???

  8. Charlemagne “The mortal” displays less than inerrant omniscience in his remarks. We saw how the cowardly Chief Justice Roberts squelched any appeal last election. What a pity that so many Americans know zip about how our Constitution and political system work!

  9. I think he’s projecting. SCOTUS should have overturned the 2020 election, because that one actually was a fraud. SCOTUS had that opportunity back then, and didn’t. So what makes this dumb fuck think they’re going to overturn this one??

  10. Well that is one bleep bleep we don’t have to worry about anyway. Charlamange the g*d…….God will take care of Himself.

  11. The more crap like this that spewed out of the leftist loony demnuts mouths, the more that you can see they are worried about their cheat being exposed. They know they cant cheat like they did last time because to many people are now paying attention.

  12. Tim Walz was picked for Kamala, not by Kamala .. I don’t think she’s even that stupid ??? There both commies with radical agendas . There a pair made in hell , just out to try and do the devils work ! As far as Charlemagne goes just a looney liberal who must have swelling on the brain .

  13. You mean like they “INSTALLED” fu*kface when Trump won?? I hope they DO install Trump instead of camel!!!!

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