Thank you Secretary Turner. Make dei DOA in the United States. It was only a money grab from liberal demo-craps. Carmen Almonte is right. They are renaming dei as a coverup and it should be DOA. DEAD ON ARRIVAL.
I was going to visit the Biltmore Estate in Ashville this spring….but I have changed my mind. I understand it is now full of crime and drugs in that city and also full of puke liberals. Will pass. It would take a connection flight in CLT from my city then rent a car when there.. To drive, it is 10 hours. Waste of time.
Thank you Secretary Scott Turner!
They’re still sneaking in their DEI agenda. Very slippery and underhanded. Like a snake.
DEI is Racism in your face… shame on Asheville!!
Thank you Secretary Turner. Make dei DOA in the United States. It was only a money grab from liberal demo-craps. Carmen Almonte is right. They are renaming dei as a coverup and it should be DOA. DEAD ON ARRIVAL.
I was going to visit the Biltmore Estate in Ashville this spring….but I have changed my mind. I understand it is now full of crime and drugs in that city and also full of puke liberals. Will pass. It would take a connection flight in CLT from my city then rent a car when there.. To drive, it is 10 hours. Waste of time.