(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Liberal activist admits the cold truth after volunteering at DNC



  1. DNC A NOTHING BURGER not for the people but a communist party ran by elites of the world to control and destroy the world to elimate most of the population. Note opray and michelle telling us we have to much when they are billionaire and millionaire.

  2. Wake up and come out of the beast , Antichrist , the dragon 🐉 people are being hoodwinked to steal your soul! Remember Adrinachrome Hillary Clinton

  3. Trump even said there’s more DemRats jumping ship and coming aboard the Trump Train‼️👊🏼🇺🇸

    PS: never thought I’d see a libtard with half a brain

  4. Republicans may not be the solution to all your problems, but the dems are most certainly the ones responsible for them. Vote trump!!

  5. It isn’t even surprising anymore how absolutely delusional Democrats can be. They are literally the embodiment of everything they claim to be against.

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