(Commenting on)  VIDEO: LA residents take matters into their own hands, take down man with ‘blowtorch’



  1. …and next you will see the los angeles district attorney office file criminal charges against the neighbors for false imprisonment, assault, battery, kidnapping and hate crime.

  2. WTH?!? A guy walking around with a blow torch setting fire to old Xmas trees and trash cans, on FELONY probation, is released?!??! He was observed doing this by the residents, but I bet he’s an illegal, or if so, wouldn’t surprise me. After all, these poor people (illegals) are here just to get that better life. (Excuse me while I go it in my mouth). He was probably trying to set fires either for the high of watching homes burn or setting up places he and his illegal buddies could loot once the residents were evacuated.

    If he really wasn’t setting fires, he has no business being on the streets during this catastrophe because he is too zoned out to know what he’s doing.

    And how is it he has a blow torch but can’t afford a lighter? Only one way I can think of… theft. But oops, that’s right- LA and the rest of the state have to release anyone committing crimes. Got it.

  3. That’s all it takes to set a neighborhood on fire a wasted illegal with a blowtorch on a bicycle and all of your million dollar homes are gone maybe they should set up neighborhood watches to help prevent this

  4. He couldn’t afford a lighter for smoking, but he can afford a blow torch?! I’m so sick of these illegals and druggies. I think Biden should take a bunch of them with me when he leaves office and let them live with him in his house!!!!

  5. Let’s say this person didn’t start the BIG firer. The neighbors saw him setting firers!! How during this time a person starting any firer when the state is burning and under firer warnings not a crime.. oh that right this is California.

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