(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Kamala’s rally hits big numbers; should Trump be worried?



  1. Again Dennis if you’re going to post negative information throw some positive information in there !!! I was just watching Newsmax he is winning in the electoral college. Don’t listen to the polls

  2. Without the nasty rapper numbers would have been MUCH smaller. At Our President TRUMP’S rallies, the people are there to see THE PRESIDENT not the other politicians there.
    🇺🇲 TRUMP/Vance TSUNAMI 2024 🇺🇲

  3. What you didn’t mention is people were leaving when she got up to talk . They were there for smutty Megan the slime.

  4. I’m worried just because demorats are very crafty at stealing elections. Not because of the candidate.

  5. She’s got the “weirdos” at her rallies. Trump doesn’t engage with those “type” of demonrats. Wake up ppl.
    The ONLY way she can win is by cheating. The GOP needs to step up and watch and put more effort into this process. They already started.

  6. Did you see how many left when she started speaking. Free concert was over. He shouldn’t let his guard down though and make sure he speaks on policies. Her honeymoon will be over soon.

  7. They were there for the FREE concert. I never heard of the performer but I’m not much into rap music.
    Trump only has to worry about one thing: them cheating again.
    If they get get away with cheating again it’s all over for America, land of the free!

  8. They came to see this trash. I can’t believe I see so many Caucasians there that like this trash music and butt shaking in your face. But then again, it is Atlanta. I don’t stay there I drive thru as I despise Atlanta ever since I went to underground and had butt smacked by a stranger .

  9. Let the gaslighting begin folks. Next it will be her rallies are bigger than DJT’s, wait and see. Remember little to no coverage from the corrupt media when the old pervert was speaking.

  10. If there wasn’t FREE ENTERTAINMENT there never would have been that many people. Hillary tried the same gimmick and it didn’t work and it won’t work this time. Her policies are still her policies no matter how much they try to wipe them away. IT WILL NOT WORK!!!! Republicans MUST NOT become complacent. GET OUT AND VOTE!!!!

  11. I didn’t know that there’s that many dumb people out there just voting because she’s has very light black skin not on her record.
    Don’t be fooled if she gets in she will revert back to her original agenda. If you don’t know what it is you’ve been hiding under a rock. Don’t assume anything, talk to your neighbors get out there and spread the word because the fake news is covering it up. There’s a lot of brainwash people out there.

  12. The visuals is what matters. Even if it was because of a free concert and people did leave afterwards the crowd still was large. The media will show those pictures and commercials will be made with those visuals.
    Yes Trump doesn’t need Hollywood and music stars to fill a stadium and Harris does. They still heard what she said .
    Optics matter

  13. Voting day is when I worry. How many machines will be compromised? Mail in ballots Dems are known for cheating

  14. Take nothing for granted…
    Election process is far from stable, secure, or protected. Example…legit voters!
    Voter ID at least.

  15. Worry is whispers of Satan, DO NOT accept them. Keep the FAITH! Satan has a counterfeit for everything. Kamala has been thrown out into the limelight, expect it through the Dem convention. You will see evil exposed over & over because the Democrats are leaving out Christian values in their agenda. It does not have to be that way, but it is the path they are choosing to take. Many of the people showing up for the entertainment will be bored and onto something else by Nov. Many curious Republicans watch the videos, going viral means nothing when it comes to voting. As Republicans & Christians, we need to work/share campaign on facts, VOTE and TRUST God for all else. Mr Trump needs to keep campaigning on the real differences. He needs a big event to counter their convention week. DO NOT allow morale to falter. I see evil being exposed. This is possibly Satan’s last hooray, so he will blow all out. We know who is on the throne ~ TRUST God! Thank goodness Mr Trump is humbling himself before HIM & TRUSTING ~ surely we can too! 🙏🏻 PRAY BIG for DISCERNMENT & DISCERNMENT for others! May we watch evil fall! Dennis, you believe, lead us to Victory with unwavering FAITH 📣✝️🙏🏻🎶🗳️🌟

  16. After reading all the comments, I want to thank Frankie for the comment. It made me realize what I know….keep the faith. They will certainly try to steal the election again…..so prayer is essential. Both DML & Trump have been close to death’s door……I know their faith has been renewed.🙏🏼❤️

  17. Main stream media and social media such as this site pushing hard for the Commie Kamala to win over Trump. After the last 4 years of Bullshit we’ve witnessed people are actually thinking of supporting this POS! Just as Joe Biden she has never accomplished anything just a DEI hire! And she ain’t BLACK!

  18. How many were paid ? How many were there that are here illegals ? Stop DML you sound like the fake news !

  19. The funniest thing is that 80 to 90 percent left after the concert was over but the media does not state that anywhere it’s all smoke and mirrors these democrats are great at gaslighting and cheating period. there policies would not get you voted dog catcher

  20. 🙏🏽Thank you Frankie & Anny!!! We must all keep praying & not lose Faith!!!😇 God is our Savior & we must believe he will save us from all this wickedness of the devil!! Pray the “St. Michael’s prayer!!!”✨🕊️✨🕊️✨

  21. A FREE “rally” featuring a twerking female rapper headlined the “show.”

    Take away the rapper and let’s see how many would have showed.

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