(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Kamala Harris touts plan that would import more migrants as solution to help American towns overwhelmed by illegal immigration



  1. “If American people will have me”. Are you kidding kam-u-nist kackling kunt kamala? We don’t want your stinking slimy lying ass at all.

  2. We need to stop insulting the “box of rocks”, at least they have a legitimate purpose!!! Komrad Camel-la has no useful purpose, unless it is to DESTROY Our Country as WE know it!!!

  3. She has a lot of gall thinking citizens in America don’t understand what is happening at the Border. We are not stupid. We are informed and WE DONT LIKE IT OR HER!
    She is pure evil and if this continues we won’t have our beautiful AMERICA any longer. #Trump2024🇺🇸

  4. Trump didn’t want the bill signed because it wound have made it ok to let in 1500 or 2500 k per day before they closed the border for the day! And it would have been a law! Does it make sense! NO!
    This is the such a mess and my opinion has to do with world globalization and wants the USA to be a big mess and civil unrest!

  5. She’s really shooting herself in the foot visiting the border NOW everyone will see WHO is to blame . I pray it’s a VERY frightening horror show with HERDS of the dregs of humanity thundering past her miserable ass . As it’s FILMED by some independent reporter and uploaded to Hell and back .. I hope it’s her final ” nail in the coffin” for her campaign of communism.

  6. Just how in the hell does bringing MORE people (“migrants”) into our country alleviate the problem of massive amounts of people (illegals given parole and made into legals) being brought here??? Does she actually think this makes ANY sense at all??? It doesn’t to me!!!

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