Something sounds very un Constitutional about that.
This Administration has no respect for the Constitution. They have the nerve to say that the Republicans are trying to destroy Democracy.
Phuck Kamala Harris and her mass Amnesty!!! The majority of the people in this country do NOT want it and want all these illegal invaders sent back to where they came from!!! They broke our laws coming into our country illegally so WHY should they be rewarded with citizenship! This absolutely disgusts me!!!
Will they continue to get free Medicaid, free housing, free living stipends, free phones and everything else that
our veterans who put their lives on the line cannot get. This Administration sucks! They are no better than whores pandering for every vote that they can get at the taxpayers’ expense.
Just her way of saying that this is the way the Dems will get votes .
She is really getting desperate. Toast!!!
Trump 2024!! Get out and vote. We have a lot of Democrat fake votes to overcome.
Kamala hates citizens.
This is the plan all along
fvck that. the people want mass deportations immediately!
How about we deport this bimbo along with the other fucking illegal freeloading cockroaches.
She was raised in a middle class family. I was always taught that you rear children and raise animals. Guess a cross between a hyena and a jack888 is a jackamalana. Maybe she will come back in 4 years as a male.
There is a saying, “Home is where the heart is”.
It’s her pathway to have the demorats holding power forever and completly destroying our country
Something sounds very un Constitutional about that.
This Administration has no respect for the Constitution. They have the nerve to say that the Republicans are trying to destroy Democracy.
Phuck Kamala Harris and her mass Amnesty!!! The majority of the people in this country do NOT want it and want all these illegal invaders sent back to where they came from!!! They broke our laws coming into our country illegally so WHY should they be rewarded with citizenship! This absolutely disgusts me!!!
Will they continue to get free Medicaid, free housing, free living stipends, free phones and everything else that
our veterans who put their lives on the line cannot get. This Administration sucks! They are no better than whores pandering for every vote that they can get at the taxpayers’ expense.
Just her way of saying that this is the way the Dems will get votes .
She is really getting desperate. Toast!!!
Trump 2024!! Get out and vote. We have a lot of Democrat fake votes to overcome.
Kamala hates citizens.
This is the plan all along
fvck that. the people want mass deportations immediately!
How about we deport this bimbo along with the other fucking illegal freeloading cockroaches.
She was raised in a middle class family. I was always taught that you rear children and raise animals. Guess a cross between a hyena and a jack888 is a jackamalana. Maybe she will come back in 4 years as a male.
There is a saying, “Home is where the heart is”.
It’s her pathway to have the demorats holding power forever and completly destroying our country