(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Kamala Harris goes full ‘open borders,’ touts ‘pathway to citizenship’ [Elon Musk issues warning]



  1. The Democrats are as scary as the Naz—s were pre-WWII. They must be defeated if we are even going to HAVE a country in a couple of years. There is no way Americans can continue to underwrite illegals in such mass numbers.

  2. There is a legal pathway to citizenship.
    Most immigrants choose to side step that to come here in a matter that is not legal and then expect to be granted all the rights and privileges as those that come here legally. This has to stop.

  3. Kamala-Layer keeps calling them immigrants instead of illegal invaders. The immigrants she keeps referring to are the ones who were naturalized and legally entered the US much like Elon Musk and several well known immigrants. Not the MS-13 or the Argentina gangs or who the hell knows criminals that she and FJB let in and are giving all the free stuff to.

  4. Legal immigrants come to become Americans.Embrace our culture and learn English.Illegals come bringing their troubles to turn wherever they are into a carbon copy of the shitholes they left.Have no intention of being American only to have citizens support their cockroach selves

  5. I suspect it’s way more she intends than just amnesty for the illegals here already- it would be 100% open borders, wave in anybody from anywhere, and as soon as one little tie is on US soil, BOOM- instant citizen. There would be that “unrelenting, continuous” (per Biden) that would literally crush this country into oblivion. Countless millions would constantly pour in. It disgusts me.


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