(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Kamala Harris explains why she thinks young people won’t have children



  1. kamala, your mother should have thought twice about having you because the climate may change. It’s only your opinion and not based on science. I highly doubt you were a science major or have a Meteorology Degree. Your opinion is like an asshole kamala, everyone has one, some just more unethical and stupid than others. You are both, unethical and stupid!

  2. The most important and rewarding job I ever had was being a mother! While challenging at times wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world!!!🙏🙏🙏🙏

  3. Throughout history people have always been unsure of the future. If people didn’t take chances none of us would be here. Your statement is ridiculous. You just parrot every other Socialist.

  4. Kamala don’t have no kids cuz her mama done taught her right.What kind of bird don’t bring babies-a swallow

  5. Climate has nothing to do with childbearing choices. It’s a planet/ country that is screwed morally, economically, and politically. Bringing a child into this world where the parents can’t afford to feed, educate, or have any control of the destiny of the children is a NO-STARTER. I have encouraged my son to never have children. He’s 29. He agrees.

    • I hoped and prayed my three sons would have children. So far i have 4 beautiful granddaughters! Everyone is happy!!

  6. With the bat 💩 crazy left communist leftist party promoting their agenda and free crime sprees and drugs across our great country who in their right mind would want to raise children in today’s society. Then we have to worry about them being indoctrinated by the schools and colleges that have been taken over by the liberal 💩 heads and watch them bow down to pro Palestine policies and promote hateful rhetoric against Israel and America.

    • So americans r just going to throw in the towel and admit defeat??? Our normal way of life is iver foeever??? Some people r pitiful

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