(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Kamala Harris Delivers Word Salad on Israel, Spars With Black Journalists



  1. That was probably her worst “word salad” to date. She might do another interview again. If she can’t do one with people who want her to do well, she definitely can’t do a real presser. She is such an embarrassment 😕
    🇺🇸 TRUMP/Vance TSUNAMI 2024 🇺🇸

  2. That was the whole purpose of the covid pandemic . Was to make Trump look bad because most states shut down. Until 2019 everything was great. It was not Trumps fault about covid . I blame Fauci and the democrats.

  3. There’s NOTHING there ! Absolutely NOTHING ….. Why would someone even think about voting for that is beyond me ?
    She’s an empty nest and beleive it or not her VP pick Tampon Tim is actually worse than her .

  4. What the fuck did harris just say”? In that small paragraph she used “stability” 3 times, “security” 3 times, and “peace” 2 times. She has the brain of a sand grain. It astounds me that this thing was a prosecutor and an AG California.

  5. I have a feeling she was given the questions for the debate and abc and it’s moderators set Trump up because look at how she answers questions here and look at the debate. What a difference.

  6. I don’t give her or any demonrat the time of day. I’ll never watch her or listen to her. She’s a complete buffoon. The ONLY way I’ll watch is on a debate with Trump. She’s nothing more than Obama puppet. We all can see how stupid she is and how easy she’d be to manipulate.
    GOD please help us!

  7. Everyone I talk to say that are voting for trump. If this circus monkey gets the presidency it will only be by them cheating again.
    They got away with it the last time so why wouldn’t they cheat?
    Obama has a master plan. A plan where they change the laws to allow him to run again, then he will be a dictator for the rest of his life.
    What gets me is just about all the politicians are complicit.

  8. Wow , Can you imagine this Stupid Corrupt Entitled Idiot, Running our country and Dealing with World Leaders who want to destroy Us. Who in their right mind would vote for Her. Are they not listening and paying attention. WE THE PEOPLE 🇺🇸 Trump Vance 🇺🇸 .


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