(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Kamala adopts a new accent for Detroit rally



  1. And the sad part just like the minority’s they will vote for the devil DEMONcrates no matter what, always have and always will even though the scumbags have regulated countless industries out of our republic; China, Mexico come to mind?

  2. She’s a chameleon 🦎 👹
    She thinks she’s poppin’ it
    What if someone did a throat punch 👊 👊 wonder how she’d sound then?¿? 🦗 🤣

  3. Must be a smart woman that can speak in several differnt accents.
    Just how many accents can she speak in anyway? Does anyone know? 😂🤣👎

    • 😂😂😂😂😂😂 That was funny Mr. Bill. I needed a laugh this evening. I laughed even harder this evening 9/2/24 when I saw joe biden campaigning for kamala who was standing beside him. It was in Pittsburgh but exact location I don’t know. There were roughly 50 idiots behind them. I was dumfounded. President Trump gets 10s of thousands of people. And this – 50 people???????. They may have been paid plants with signs. The cameras showed no other view, only straight on. My guess, there was probably no one in the audience.

  4. And the predominantly black and brown crowd loves it and will vote for her. Hillary does this and Obama does along with every other politician who go after the black vote and the black community falls right in line?

  5. She is as fake as her accents!
    If ant other political group faked an accent like that it would be rascist.

  6. I think the only accent she could take creds for and not be criticized is a solid Indian accent like Apu from The Simpsons. Havent heard that accent yet.

  7. That was so not a southern accent!! She was trying to sound ghetto! Tic Tok videos I’ve seen made by some blacks they sound just like that! Some the accent is so thick I have a hard time understanding what they are saying. So racist!! So condescending!! But that is the mo of every Democrat!!! They put on a show to make people think they are one of them and get their vote then go on with business as usual!! Shameful but these corrupt people have no shame!!

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