(Commenting on)  VIDEO: Journalist tracks down some of Biden-Harris admin’s missing migrant children



  1. Dear Lord guide and protect these reporters as they continue to expose this unforgivable heinous exploitation of the innocent as and may the culprits enter Satans kingdom …

    More ammunition for Trump’s team

  2. This is all sensational BS. These kids are not sex trafficked as it makes a great headline. These fraudsters have a sophisticated set up to evade tracking and then settle in with their families or relatives. Once in the UsA, they apply for SIJS (Special Immigrant Juvenile Status) which automatically guves them a valid social security number and a conditional permanent resident card. The “conditional@ falls off after 1.5-2 years when they reapply. It is a scam that the public never hears about. Stop feeling sorry for these kids. Ince they are 18 they will be screaming in illegal alien marches and voting for tyrannical democrats.


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